
Proizvodi od Gume, Metala i Plastike

Otkrijte našu paletu proizvoda od gume, metala i plastike te se obratite našem timu za dodatne informacije i podršku pri odabiru najboljih rješenja za vaše industrijske zahtjeve.

Naša proizvodna paleta obuhvaća širok spektar proizvoda od gume, izrađenih od visokokvalitetnih sirovina i gumena smjesa koje osiguravaju izvrsne tehničke karakteristike. Naša paleta uključuje različite vrste gume, kao što su prirodni kaučuk (NR), akrilonitril-butadien elastomer (NBR), kloropren elastomer (CR), stiren-butadien elastomer (SBR), etilen-propilen-dien monomer elastomer (EPDM), flour elastomer / viton (FKM), te silikon elastomer.

Naši proizvodi od gume dizajnirani su za pružanje izuzetne izdržljivosti i otpornosti na zahtjevne uvjete. Bilo da se radi o visokim temperaturama, otpornosti na kiseline, izdržljivosti protiv trenja i habanja ili otpornosti na različite fizikalne opterećenja, naši proizvodi pouzdano odgovaraju različitim tehničkim izazovima.

Za izradu ovih proizvoda koristimo paletu vrhunskih gumenih smjesa, uključujući NR, SBR, NBR, EPDM, SILIKON, CR, FKM i druge, kako bismo osigurali vrhunsku kvalitetu i performanse naših proizvoda. Vaši zahtjevi i potrebe su naša glavna inspiracija u kontinuiranom unaprjeđenju i razvoju naše proizvodne ponude.

In our product range, you will find a diverse selection of items that are the result of expertise and meticulous attention to detail. Some of our products include:

  • Zaptivači (uključujući "O" prstenove, kvadrinze, čeone i profilne zaptivače)
  • Gaskets (Cuffs, Sleeves)
  • Wipers (Seal Wipers)
  • Seals (Oil Seals)
  • Membranes
  • Rubber wheels
  • Amortizeri
  • Nosači
  • Spojnice (poput periflex spojki, obodnih/šeširastih spojki, elastičnih spojki, zupčastih spojki, hardi spojki...)
  • Valjci
  • Transportne trake
  • Rubber coils
  • Products made of rubber-metal and rubber-canvas
  • Manufacturing of tools and specialized rubber products according to a sample/drawing

Naša stručnost, posvećenost detaljima i kvalitetan pristup omogućuju nam da ispunimo različite zahtjeve i potrebe naših klijenata. Uz vrhunsku tehnologiju i vještinu, stvaramo proizvode koji su pouzdani i dugotrajni, pružajući našim klijentima potpuno zadovoljstvo. Obratite nam se s povjerenjem kako bismo vam pružili najbolje rješenje za vaše potrebe.

Nudimo širok spektar proizvoda od metala koji zadovoljavaju različite industrijske potrebe. Neka od naših glavnih usluga u ovoj kategoriji uključuju:

  1. Metal machining: Our team of skilled and experienced technicians ensures precise and high-quality metal machining. Using the latest technology and machinery, we enable fast and efficient metal processing according to your specific requirements.

  2. Cylinder repair: Whether it's hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, our repair team ensures reliable and long-lasting repairs. With high-quality materials and expert execution, we guarantee that your cylinders will be restored to optimal condition.

  3. New cylinder manufacturing: Our expertise in cylinder fabrication allows us to offer you the best solution for your needs. No matter the type of cylinder you require, our team will craft it with care and quality to ensure optimal functioning of your systems.

Through years of experience and dedication to quality, we have built a reliable reputation in the industry. Our commitment to precision and attention to detail allows us to deliver top-notch metal products and services that exceed our clients' expectations. With us as your partner, you can be confident that you will receive the best metal solutions for your needs.

Our range of plastic products is made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability, resistance, and reliability in various environments.

Our expert team, with years of experience in working with plastics, ensures that our products meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Here at GMP-TEHNIK, we are dedicated to innovation and providing solutions that enhance your productivity and efficiency.

Do you have any questions? We are here to provide you with answers and solutions.

Feel free to reach out to us with confidence.
(+387) 33 436 245

We look forward to your call or message.
